Topics Covered in Charlie Greer's Slacker's Guide to HVAC Sales; The Lazy Man's Way to Succeed in Residential Replacements
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Note: Slacker's Guide is now available exclusively as a single MP3 disc that you download into your computer, then transfer to your MP3 players, such as an iPod or smartphone.
The entire audio series is over 10 hours of your listening pleasure.
1. Introduction
2. What is the purspose of your job?
3. They don't have to like you
4. The "salesman stigma"
5. What does it take to succeed in sales?
6. High pressure tactics don't work!
7. What is a good closer?
8. Defining excellence in sales
9. Customer
10. Control
11. Cooperation
12. Conviction
13. Communication
14. Commitment
15. Confidence
16. Competence
17. Close
18. Collect
19. Brain chemistry
20. Behavioral science
21. Somatic responses
22. Dendrites
23. Pyshoneuromotorlinguistics
24. Post-hypnotic suggestion
25. Quote more than the bare minimum
26. Why should I buy from you?
27. Introduction to “Features & Benefits”
28. “Features & Benefits” list
29. Attire and grooming
30. The “scripted” presentation
31. The incoming phone call
32. Pre-call planning
33. The confirming phone call
34. Mental preparation
35. The approach to the home
36. Your first 60 seconds
37. The questionnaire
38. Summaries
39. The room-by-room inspection
40. The equipment inspection
41. Drawing the home
42. Give ‘em a break!
43. Equipment selection
44. The sales presentation
45. Understanding the “Cost Comparison Charts”
46. The “Energy Savings Presentation”
47. The “Walk-through Close”
48. Trial Closes
49. The Initial Close
50. More on closing
51. The “Optional Close”
52. The “Installation Fee Close”
53. The “Permission to Make a Profit Close”
54. Price complaints
55. The “Features & Benefits Close”
56. The “Negotiated Close”
57. The “Quality, Service, Price Story”
58. “I want to think it over” – the easy ones
59. “I want to think it over” – the hard ones
60. “I have to talk it over with…”
61. One-leggers
62. “I want to get other bids” – the easy ones
63. The “List of Talking Points” Close
64. Epilogue to The “List of Talking Points” Close
65. “I want to wait … my unit’s still running.”
66. The “Return on Investment Close” (Part 1)
67. The “Return on Investment Close” (Part 2)
68. The “Proposal Close”
69. Following up
70. Using your service base to generate sales
71. Using service agreements to generate sales
72. Teaser files
Forms CD
- Customer Information/Questionnaire
- Work Order/Proposal
- Annual Operating Cost Charts
- Hourly Operating Cost Chart
- Return on Investment Form
- The “Paper Towel Close”
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Click here to compare Slacker's Guide to the Tec Daddy DVD series.